
What is a C. difficile outbreak?

Definitions have been developed to assist hospitals and public health units in determining when there is an outbreak.


Six or more new nosocomial cases of C difficile infection within a 30-day period on a single ward or unit.

Hospital Acquired Infection:

Infection acquired during the delivery of health care within a particular health care facility. See also, Nosocomial.

Infection Risk:

The probability that a patient/client will acquire an infection based on the characteristics of the individual, the inherent risks associated with a procedure, or other factors that might put the individual at risk for a health care-associated infection.

Nosocomial Infection:

Infection acquired during the delivery of health care within a particular health care facility. See also. Hospital-Acquired Infection.


The systematic ongoing collection, collation and analysis of data with timely dissemination of information to those who require it in order to take action.


Three or more new nosocomial cases of C difficile infection associated with a single ward or unit within a seven-day period. (From the Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee)