Land Acknowledgement

The land in which we are gathered here today has been held by the Indigenous People since time immemorial. Today we will acknowledge those peoples.  

As Canadians from all walks of life, we are forever grateful to those who had been on these lands before us and through their stewardship and connection to the land, have made it what it is now. We want to acknowledge that the land we are on is the unceded and sovereign territory of the Akwesasne Mohawk and their ancestors. We also acknowledge the Algonquin, Haudenosaunee (Ho-den-o-show-nee) (Iroquois), Huron-Wendat (huron-wen·dat), and Abenaki who are neighbors and partners to the Akwesasne Mohawk.

We also acknowledge the contributions of other Indigenous groups as well as the Métis and Inuit for their work in shaping and building this country into what it is now.

While we recognize the past injustices and right the wrongs, we will walk together on the path of healing and reconciliation.

Onhwéntsia  Enshatiién:tere’ne

Ne onhwéntsia tsi nón:we ionkwakia’tarònron kén:tho wenhniserá:te rotiienawa’kón:ne ne onkwehón:we tsi nén:we. Ón:wa wenhniserá:te eniethiién:tere’ne thí:ken onkwe’ta’shón:’a

Tsi ní:ioht ne Korahró:non akté:shon nithonenónhseron, tsi nén:we ionkwatónhnhahere teiakhinonhwará:tons tsi nihá:ti kénh rón:neskwe kí:ken kénh nón:we niionhwentsiá:te ohén:ton nì:’i sha’ákwawe tánon tsi rati’nikòn:rare tánon tsi tehonatahsón:tere ne onhwéntsia, iohshon tsi ni:ioht tsi  non:wa nikaha:wi. Teionkwatonhontsió:ni aiakwaién:tere’ne thí:ken ne onhwéntsia tsi non:we ítewe’s nè:’e  ne i:iah tehonatatshén:neren ne ahonatenhní:non ne onhwéntsia tánon ratihwentsia’kwe’ní:io ne Ahkwesáhshne Kanien’kéha tnon ne raononkwè:ta ionkhihsotho’okon’kénha. Ó:ni teiakhinonhwara:ton ne thiionkwehonwehsera:te Algonquin nihonnonkwehonwehserò:ten, Haudenosaunee (Ho-den-o-show-nee)  (Iroquois), Huron-Wendat  (huron-wen-dat), tánon Abenaki

Tehonnonhsané:ken tánon thonateróhon ne Ahkwesáhshne Kanien’kehá:ka. Ó:ni iakhirihwakweniénhtstha tsi naho’tèn:shon thonatka’wánion thihatí:te onkwehón:we kanenhraién:ton tsi ní:ioht ne Metis tánon Inuit tsi tsi ní:kon rotiio’tèn:’en wahatikwatá:ko wahatinatahserón:ni kí:ken kaná:taien tsi ní:ioht nón:wa.

Tsi nikarì:wes wetewaién:tere’ne ne o:nen iotohétston karihwaneren’shòn:’a tánon enskatakwarihshion tsi naho’ten’shòn:’a i:iah tetkaierí:seron, skáthne entewakianón:ni tsi iohá:te ne entsitewatkwatá:ko tánon entsitewarihwahserón:ni.